I love your site and I love the concept of blogging about diners just as much as I love Jonah's concept with the Burrito Blog.
One thing concerns me though. How can you have a blog about diners without having visited one diner in New Jersey, the mecca of diners?????? You need to come to Jersey and find a diner (any diner in subarbia will suffice) at 3am to experience the real diner charm.
Mike: we have actually visited tons of NJ diners! But we don't really write about them. We sort of prefer New England diners (they did come first, historically), although Jersey diners tend to be open 24/7 which is awesome.
I'll write up a post on the difference between NE and NJ diners some time soon.
There are plenty of Diners for you two to check out up here in NH... we have 4 fabulous diners right here in Plymouth!
I love your site and I love the concept of blogging about diners just as much as I love Jonah's concept with the Burrito Blog.
One thing concerns me though. How can you have a blog about diners without having visited one diner in New Jersey, the mecca of diners?????? You need to come to Jersey and find a diner (any diner in subarbia will suffice) at 3am to experience the real diner charm.
Mike: we have actually visited tons of NJ diners! But we don't really write about them. We sort of prefer New England diners (they did come first, historically), although Jersey diners tend to be open 24/7 which is awesome.
I'll write up a post on the difference between NE and NJ diners some time soon.
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